Not going to lie, But I am a tad disappointed by LAMB for fall 2010. Usually, I fall head over heels over pretty much everything from the show. But this year didn't do it for me. I only liked a few of her outfits.. ok not even outfits but pieces from each outfit. It felt really incohesive and all over the place. There were some random prints that I really liked, even though I didn't think they went with the collection. I'm all for edgyness but some of these prints are more random than edgy. And most of the outfits in the show were overly edgy.. I am not a fan of the belts everywhere look. I mean I still love some of the coats and the knit shirts. And the super skinny jeans are plain ol' smexsy. And even though I wasn't in love with everything I still love Gwen Stefani. So it's all good.
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